Joel Porter Counseling Center


College life can be stressful, and the Joel Porter Counseling Center is here to support our students at 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名!

The staff of the counseling center offers free, confidential professional mental health 对所有学生的支持. 打电话,拜访,或者 电子邮件 to make an appointment at the center located in Davis Hall.

保密是最重要的.  Our goal is to provide a safe environment in which 讨论个人问题.  If you seek counseling, you have a right to privacy. The center will not disclose that you have received counseling or the specifics to anyone without your written permission.  Rare exceptions may occur in regards to safety 问题或法庭命令.

The center keeps and files counseling documents in a secure location for their use, separate from all other records, including academic. 很多你想知道的 分享是非常私人的. The Joel Porter Counseling Center joins with the administration of the college in affirming your right to privacy.

The college will not disclose your information without your written permission except 原因如下:

  • 对他人的迫在眉睫的伤害: If the center has reason to believe that you are seriously threatening physical violence against another person, or if you have a history of physically violent behavior, and if the center believes that you are an actual threat to the safety of another person, 他们会采取行动. They may contact the police, seek hospitalization, notify another person, or a combination to ensure the other person’s protection.
  • 对自己的直接伤害: If the center has reason to believe you are in danger of physically harming yourself or are unable to follow treatment recommendations, they may take steps. 他们可能会安排 for an evaluation off-campus and contact a family member or another person to help 保护你.
  • Abuse of Children or Disable Adults: If the center has reason to believe that anyone is abusing or neglecting a child under the age of 18 or a disabled adult, the center is legally obligated to report the situation to the appropriate state agency.
  • 法律合规: 如果法庭或 Department of 首页land Security orders the release of certain information, we are legally required to comply with 此订单.
Counseling does not tell you what to do, how to feel, or who to be; counseling can, however, help you clarify goals and find solutions to problems through 护理ful listening, guided self-exploration, and new perspectives and information. 咨询服务 provide brief mental health counseling and related support. 这些服务帮助了十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 College students identify barriers, improve coping skills and achieve personal goals. Joel Counseling Services utilizes six short-term individual therapy and group therapy models to meet significant student demand and use our resources effectively.
Any student currently enrolled at 十大博彩网站评级线上博彩平台排名 is eligible to see a counselor 免费.
Any information you share with the Joel Porter Counseling Center staff is confidential and stored separately from your academic records. 学生 may discuss the legalities of releasing information with the counseling center staff.

看到 托尼Cochis, Director of the Joel Porter Counseling Center - 104 Davis Hall - (919) 497-3420

We are unable to provide counseling or psychological advice through 电子邮件.

If there are needs beyond what the center’s model accommodates, it will refer those students to an outside community provider. The student bears the cost of external 服务. Such referrals might occur immediately following an intake, or they might occur after some treatment and a further assessment of need has taken place.

Some examples of clinical concerns that result in a referral to an outside treatment 供应商有:

  • Individuals with chronic mental health conditions that require long-term, ongoing 护理
  • Clinical presentations, such as some personality disorders that indicate short-term therapy may be ineffective or detrimental
  • A need or desire to see a counselor more frequently than the center can accommodate.
  • Chronic suicidal thoughts or recent history of multiple suicide attempts
  • Severe and chronic self-injury
  • A history of multiple psychiatric hospitalizations
  • 法院处理
  • Psychological testing and assessment
  • Active symptoms of psychosis at risk for progressive deterioration

Concerns that require a more specialized form of 护理 than can be provided at the Joel Counseling Services, including:

  • Significant or chronic disordered eating symptoms
  • Significant or chronic substance use which requires long-term therapy or a higher 护理水平